These products are shipped out of our UK warehouse in the North of England. Are you in the USA? If so, visit our US Shop for fast local shipping.

Construction Kits

Construction Kit 1 (Warbirds)
Construction Kit 2 (Warbirds)
Refill Packs

Spitfire MkIX Kits

Spitfire MkIX Trim Wheels Hardware Kit
Spitfire MkIX Trim Wheels Hardware Starter Kit
Spitfire MkIX Trim Wheels All-Inclusive Starter Kit
Spitfire MkIX Throttle Kit
Spitfire MkIX Flaps and Chassis Combo Kit
Spitfire MkIX Flight Stick Kit

P-51D Mustang Kits

P-51D Mustang Throttle


P-51D Mustang flaps, trim and landing gear pedestal


PA-24 Comanche Kits

PA-24 TPM All-Inclusive Starter Kit


PA-24 TPM Hardware Kit


PA-24 TPM Starter Kit


Limited Edition Kits

BF109 Throttle Kit


P-40B Tomahawk Throttle & Trim Wheels
