PA-24 TPM Hardware Kit

If you’re an existing AuthentiKit user with your own 3D printer and would like to build this beautiful and highly specified Throttle, Prop & Mixture control, then this hardware kit is for you. This TPM is a replica based on the Piper Comanche PA-24 and is fully functional with throttle, prop and mixture levers as well as a parking brake. It uses hall sensors for very fine smooth control and hydraulic damping for realistic resistance.

This Hardware Kit includes all the hardware you need to make the TPM but does not include parts for the essential AuthentiKit Universal Hub which connects the control to your PC. If you also need the hardware for a Universal Hub then choose the Starter Kit. If you don’t have a 3D printer and also need the 3D printed parts please order the All Inclusive Kit instead.

This unit mounts to the underside of a desk or table. You will require a table top with maximum depth 40mm and with clearance under the table.

Click for full description

This kit contains the hardware needed to build the AuthentiKit PA-24 Piper Comanche Throttle, Prop & Mixture (T.P.M) control. It requires an AuthentiKit Universal Hub to connect it to your PC.


  • 3 x Honeywell Hall Sensors
  • 1 x Gikfun Microswitch
  • 3 x Neodymium magnets
  • 3 x 6700ZZ Bearings
  • 6 x 684ZZ Bearing
  • 30cm Felt tape
  • 1 x Ball spring plungers
  • 3 x Rotary Damper 400
  • 1 x RJ45 jacks
  • 6 x silicon wire (6 colours)
  • 2 x Desk Clamps
  • 30 x Ferrules
  • Screws/bolts


*Please note, this product does not contain the required 3D printed parts and is tailored to those whom already own a 3D printer. If you require a kit containing 3D parts and hardware, please see our all inclusive T.P.M kit HERE 


12 in stock